
17 April 2022 года

17 April 2022 года

17 April 2022 года

17 April 2022 года

17 April 2022 года

We have checked the UniverNursery today! What to say – Senya didn’t know where to look next due to the quantity (I don’t even say about the quality) of new toys and playtime rooms, the Montessori room and the fitness room… Frankly speaking, I myself wanted to become a little girl again to play and study there. And as for Miss Mary and Miss Jane…It is quite untypical for an ordinary Russian person. Giggling Filipino nannies speaking perfect English, British teachers, pottery workshops, choreography and so on and so forth. And such a friendly atmosphere which is so hard to find in Moscow has just sent my head reeling. Tuition fees at both nursery and school are very reasonable. And what’s most important is that you can leave your child here from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. in the safe assurance that he/she will be occupied during the whole day and taken care of.

17 April 2022 года

I remember a pharmacy located at the 13 Parkovaya str. and Sirenevy bulvar crossroads after school one day and spending the money I had saved on a glass of oxygen cocktail was pure joy for me. It was a long time ago, and the pharmacy is still there though with no cocktails. And I have a beloved daughter now who gets this delicious cocktail right at the nursery. I love our CambriJunior more and more each day.